Figure 2 shows the lagged correlations between
seasonal precipitation anomalies in NVE and the
SST anomalies for the Nino 3 and NATL regions at
0 to 6 months lag. The results indicate that the
influence of these respective ocean basins on
seasonal rainfall in NVE varies with season with
Nino 3 SSTs dominating in DJF and SON with the
NATL region being most influential during JJA.
The correlations are negative for the Nino 3 region
and positive for the NATL region, consistent with
other studies in the region (see Enfield and Alfaro
1999, Giannini et al., 2000).
To study the lagged correlations between seasonal rainfall anomalies of Data from Thai meteorological department Nino 3 SST index and Nino 3.4 SST index at 0 to 11 months lag. The results indicate that the influence of respective Sea Surface Temperature (SST) impact