Leo : Good morning, Nun ,Good morning ลูกเงาะ. Welcome to bank company.
Nun: Good morning, Leo.
ลูกเงาะ : Good morning, Leo.
Leo : Let me take you to your cubicle and then I will give you a tour of our facility.
Nun : Oh, very nice!
Leo : Drop your belongings here, and let’s go!
ลูกเงาะ : OK, I am ready Leo.
Leo : That is Gig over there. She is our senior financial analyst. They will be
working with her in the future. Let’s go say hi to her.
Gig: Welcome,Nun,ลูกเงาะ. I am very glad to see you.
Nun: Thank you. I am very happy to be here.
ลูกเงาะ : I was as well. I am so excited to be working here.
Gig: Leo, We are giving Nun,ลูกเงาะ a tour of our facility so that she knows his way
around here.
Leo: OK, Gig.
Gig: We are now in the Finance department. Next to us, on your left, is the
Accounting department..
Leo: On your right is the Human Resources department. They will be find to
Sin, the Production manager.
Sin: Hello Nun,ลูกเงาะ Like I said during the interview, one of your daily jobs is to
deal with the bank to keep track of our financial resources.
Nun : Oh, That right.
Sin : Your next task is to call overseas to get other necessary information.
ลูกเงาะ : What kind of data do I need to get from our people overseas?
Sin : You will need financial data about their current and future projects.
Nun : Our work looks very interesting., Do you think that ลูกเงาะ?
ลูกเงาะ : I’m just as well Nun, I intend to work
Sin : I hope to enjoy working here. Tomorrow, They start to work. Thank you to listen.
Nun : Okay, thank you for advice.
ลูกเงาะ : Thanks, as well, that introduce us