1. Standard and Indicators
Standard F1.1: Understanding of and capacity to interpret what has been heard and read from various types of media, and ability to express opinions with proper reasoning
Indicators : F.1.1 P.3/1 Specify the alphabet and sounds; accurately pronounce and spell simple words by observing principles of reading.
2. Concept
Pronounces correctly word about emotion for communication in everyday life. In addition, students should study about meaning of emotion for communication to be easy.
3. Learning Outcomes
3.1 Understand pronunciation about emotion by watching the video.
3.2 Explain the video by drawing picture about emotion
3.3 Dedication and commitment to work, self- confident and avidity for learning by observation participant in class.
Word: happy angry excited surprised sad thirsty hot cold tired
sleepy sick
5.1 Warm-up (5-15 minutes)
Greets and asks student “ How do you feel today ?”
Warm up the “ If you’re happy song”.
5.2 Presentation (15-20 minutes)
Tells that the topic is emotions.
Teaches about vocabulary of emotions.
Teaching the meaning of each word.
Teaching the pronunciation of each word.
Teaching some question and answer about emotion.
Example: Q: How do you feel ?
A: I’m happy.
Students divide in to group ( 5 persons)
Teacher lets students watch the video.
5.3 Practice (15-20 minutes)
The students watch the video.
The students discuss about the video in their group.
Each group draws a picture about emotion for summarizing hole of the video.
5.4 Production (5-10 minutes)
The students do group work.
Each group presents their work in front of class.
5.5 Wrap-up (5 minutes)
The teacher concludes the lesson for students and assigns them to do homework. The homework is about matching words with picture.
6. Materials
6.1 Video “If you’re happy”
6.2 Video (vocabulary of emotion )
6.3 Paper
6.4 Pen, pencil, color
6.5 Worksheet