come from kickbacks received from contractors, or various kinds of presents and inducements. Again income flows are accepted or at least expected as part of the honour and income-augmenting activity of public office. Thus transition to a bureaucratic system, there has been considerable carry over of norms and practices w originated in the pre-modem bureaucratic system and which can be labelled corrupt within the norms and practices of a These practices accepted as of the largely as a result of compromises in the process of transition from the old regime to the new. Influences on the modern culture of corruption At the same there have been significant changes occurring both and outside administrative system which have changed the nature and the environment of corruption. These changes include developments within the bureaucracy, changes in the nature of government expenditure, and the growth of electoral politics The rise of the military. The most important modern development in the nature of the bureaucracy has been the the position of the military. Following the abolition of the in 1932, there was no decisive move to erect absolute and legitimize an alternative system for allocating political power. This has resulted in a long history of conflict, experiment and constant rewriting of the constitution. Within this conte the military emerged as one of the major focal points of political power. Military leaders have occupied the prime minister's post for the majority of years since 1932. In addition, the military has disrupted the development of parliamentary politics by a succession of coups, and has successfully retarded the develop- ment and acceptance of an alternative power system based on election and parliamentary responsibility From their position within the bureaucracy, the military have successfully exploited the ambivalence over the division between