The steps used for the mass production of C. flnvipes had to be as simple and econotnical as possible. In order
to meet these requirements, larvae of S. inferens and C. infuscatellus were collected from the field and massreared
in the laboratory and used as a host for C. flnvipes. These sugarcane moth borers reared easily on young
shoot of sugarcane in large number under laboratory conditions. The 2nd and 3rd instar larvae of these sugarcane
moth borers were used as hosts for mass production of C. flnvipes. Parasitization technique used was that by
Suasa-Ard and Charemsom (1995). By using their method, ca. 150,000 C. flclvipes adults were produced
monthly for release and evaluation in the field. Mass production was carried out at the National Biological
Control Research Center - Central Regional Center (NBCRC-CRC), Kampaeng Saen, Nakhon Pathom province.