38 Multi-employer plans are distinct from group administration plans. A group administration plan
is merely an aggregation of single employer plans combined to allow participating employers
to pool their assets for investment purposes and reduce investment management and
administration costs, but the claims of different employers are segregated for the sole benefit
of their own employees. Group administration plans pose no particular accounting problems
because information is readily available to treat them in the same way as any other single
employer plan and because such plans do not expose the participating entities to actuarial
risks associated with the current and former employees of other entities. The definitions in this
Standard require an entity to classify a group administration plan as a defined contribution
plan or a defined benefit plan in accordance with the terms of the plan (including any
constructive obligation that goes beyond the formal terms).
39 In determining when to recognise, and how to measure, a liability relating to the windup
of a multi-employer defined benefit plan, or the entity’s withdrawal from a multiemployer
defined benefit plan, an entity shall apply SB-FRS 37 Provisions, Contingent
Liabilities and Contingent Assets.