Colour Measurement
The complex produced by wool protein, the lutein, a major
carotenoid compound present in Marigold, and aluminium
salt is illustrated in Figure 2(a). The changes occurring in the
complex after treatment with ammonia is proposed in Figure
The color hue of the Marigold-dyed yarns was changed and
a small amount of Marigold bled from the dyed yarns after
treated with ammonia. The change in color hue of Marigold
was also observed in the remaining ammonia solution. It can
be seen from Figure 3 that an increase in the concentration of
ammonia on the Marigold dyed wool yarns leads to prolonged
decrease of reflectance spectra at different wavelengths.
The results of color measurement of ammonia-treated wool
yarns dyed with Marigold are shown in Table 1 and Figures 4
and 5. It can be seen from Figures 4 and 5 that the amount of
L* decreases after the Marigold dyed sample treated with 1%
ammonia solution but the amount of a* (redness) increases.
By increasing the percentage of ammonia, the amount of L*
and a* continued to decrease and increase, respectively.
According to Figure 5, the corresponding b* value increases
due to ammonia treatment. It can be also observed (Table 1)
that the C* value for Marigold dyed sample increases after
ammonia treatment that means the shade became brighter.
Vertical Wicking
Colour MeasurementThe complex produced by wool protein, the lutein, a majorcarotenoid compound present in Marigold, and aluminiumsalt is illustrated in Figure 2(a). The changes occurring in thecomplex after treatment with ammonia is proposed in Figure2(b).The color hue of the Marigold-dyed yarns was changed anda small amount of Marigold bled from the dyed yarns aftertreated with ammonia. The change in color hue of Marigoldwas also observed in the remaining ammonia solution. It canbe seen from Figure 3 that an increase in the concentration ofammonia on the Marigold dyed wool yarns leads to prolongeddecrease of reflectance spectra at different wavelengths.The results of color measurement of ammonia-treated woolyarns dyed with Marigold are shown in Table 1 and Figures 4and 5. It can be seen from Figures 4 and 5 that the amount ofL* decreases after the Marigold dyed sample treated with 1%ammonia solution but the amount of a* (redness) increases.By increasing the percentage of ammonia, the amount of L*and a* continued to decrease and increase, respectively.According to Figure 5, the corresponding b* value increasesdue to ammonia treatment. It can be also observed (Table 1)that the C* value for Marigold dyed sample increases afterammonia treatment that means the shade became brighter.Vertical Wicking
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