Dear Attendants,
Reference is made to “Standard Detail Drawings 2016” Training Program, please be informed that : -
All Attendants are requested to prepare detail sketch as per following way
1) Take the photos (total 20 to 40 photos) of good examples from any locations (in the city, shopping mall or project site etc.)
2) Answer following questions (using the photos that you take to clarify)
2.1 Good example photo / sketch and please mention the reason.
2.2 Problem area when you do your project or which you saw / sketch and please mention the reason.
2.4 Additional required details in our standard detail.
2.4 Any alternative ideas for standard details.
Please complete your assignment and send to HR (Ms.Arunsri) within Fri 16/Sep/2016.
Should there be any enquiry, please contact me or Mr. Y.Nakatani.