ก) The party shall render quarterly accounts of consideration against the Financing Services and the Services related to the Intra-company transfer for the training of Meiden Personnel accrued on the basis of the above agreed calculation method in the Schedule A.
ข) Each party will issue an invoice to the other party in the currency of the party's domicile.
ค) All such consideration against the services shall be paid net of any charges (that is, without any deductions being made) in the currency indicated on the invoices within thirty (30) days after the paying party's receipt of the Original Invoice. Any taxes, levies or other charges payable on the license fees or by reason of the payment thereof shall be to the account of the party to this Agreement in whose country such taxes, levies or other charges are due.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, withholding taxes payable on the service fees shall be an exception to this provision. The money-remitting party shall send the certificate of withholding tax payment to the other party to enable the other party to get a tax credit against this withholding tax.