The simulator is wrote in C++, for two reasons. First most important, is to show to the people that when I say that normally I use, is because I like it. I can use also C++. Just I do not like it. Why take the stairs, if can I use the elevator.
Second, less important. This code will be executed from micro-controllers, not from PC´s, these are normally programmable with C. So to allow a fast implementation, I wrote it in C++, trying to use just the standard C, to allow the multi platform. (just delete the graphic parts). Of course for the GUI, no way, it must be executed in Windows,and I used his classes.
The GUI gives you two series of numeric Up and down control. With the first you can variate the angles of the motors. With the second series, you can give the target position. In the labels, you find the actual position. The actual positions, was more hard as I thought to find. At least I used brute force. Each combination of therm.
For export I think interests you the class Robot. The class Robot, is studied to draw the image. When you ask him, he will give you back a image.
For use it: