Deviation of power output implies the quality and smoothness of
power output. Five optimized scenarios have smaller values of STD
of the power output than the original ones. In scenarios 5, 7 and 8 of
Table 4 the power quality is diminished in order to satisfy the
electricity demand (shown in bold).
Table 5 illustrates the smoothness of rotor speed, blade pitch
angle, and generator torque. Optimization has resulted in smoother
values of rotor speed in eight scenarios. Comparing with the original
blade pitch angle and generator torque, the optimized values
are smoother in high wind speed scenarios (1–4). At low wind
speed (scenarios 5 through 8 of Table 5), the smoothness of blade
pitch angle and generator torque (shown in bold) has diminished to
benefit the power output.
The details of two illustrative operational scenarios 4 and 7 of
Table 5 are discussed next.