which processes natural sausage casings (intestines from cattle,
sheep, pigs and goats) provided by customers predominantly in
France and Spain, by cutting to size and grading them according
to diameter, quality, etc. The casings are salted and packed into
plastic drums and shipped back to the client by truck.
The waste generated on site consists of trimmings and offcuts
from casings and fat/mucosa, from cleaning and scraping the internal
surfaces of the intestines. There are different waste streams
from different processes, and from different parts of each process
(Heinz and Hautzinger, 2007). The waste stream was estimated
to be approximately 1.5 tonnes per day which may increase in
the future. Clearly, the amount of waste generated affects the feasibility
of the waste management options which may be considered
for implementation.
The waste is currently transported each day in plastic drums to
the municipal landfill, where there is currently no gate fee.
However, gate fees have rapidly increased across Europe, for example,
and biodegradable waste is currently banned from European
which processes natural sausage casings (intestines from cattle,sheep, pigs and goats) provided by customers predominantly inFrance and Spain, by cutting to size and grading them accordingto diameter, quality, etc. The casings are salted and packed intoplastic drums and shipped back to the client by truck.The waste generated on site consists of trimmings and offcutsfrom casings and fat/mucosa, from cleaning and scraping the internalsurfaces of the intestines. There are different waste streamsfrom different processes, and from different parts of each process(Heinz and Hautzinger, 2007). The waste stream was estimatedto be approximately 1.5 tonnes per day which may increase inthe future. Clearly, the amount of waste generated affects the feasibilityof the waste management options which may be consideredfor implementation.The waste is currently transported each day in plastic drums tothe municipal landfill, where there is currently no gate fee.However, gate fees have rapidly increased across Europe, for example,and biodegradable waste is currently banned from European
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