1. Carry out data collection to understand the current situations and disadvantages. 2. Conduct analyses on business performance/ process, IE/QC/Logistic/other management tools. 3.Help identify issues, provide business improvement directions, and develop implementation plans. 4. Implement solutions, follow-up progress, and help support clients to carry out solutions and plans. 5. Co-work and communicate with project leader and clients to keep them informed of progressive result and to make relevant decisions. Consulting theme and client Example: - Regional Leadership Development Program (Foreign trainees from ASEAN country) for one of the biggest supplier in automotive industry. - Productivity Improvement for various manufacturing industries such as Seafoods, Beverages, Toys, Spandex, Home Appliances, - Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for home appliance manufacturer. - Thai SMEs Evaluation for AEC associated with the government sector. - Business development plan and feasibility study for Japanese companies who want to expand their business to Thailand.