Expenses in 2014 for leasing of assets were SEK 2,662 (2,517) million,
of which variable expenses comprised SEK 19 (18) million. The leasing
contracts vary in length from 1 to 24 years.
The Company’s lease agreements normally do not include any contingent
rents. In the few cases they occur, they relate to charges for heating
linked to the oil price index. Most of the leases of real estate contain terms
of renewal, giving the Company the right to prolong the agreement in
question for a predefined period of time. All of the finance leases of facilities
contain purchase options. Only a very limited number of the Company’s
lease agreements contain restrictions on stockholders’ equity
or other means of finance. The major agreement contains a restriction
stating that the Parent Company must maintain a stockholders’ equity
of at least SEK 25 billion.