This is a system generated email. Please DO NOT REPLY to this notification.
You are receiving this note because a change (outlined below) has been made to a group that you belong to or administer on the Group Lifecycle and Access Management (GLAM) system. GLAM is a Chevron enterprise solution for the management of groups. A group is a list of people who are granted access to folders, resources (or data) and email lists on the Chevron network.
You were added to the following group:
GRP COI-Thailand-Follow UP
Business Purpose: Thailand - DL
This group may provide access to resources like the O Drive or SharePoint. Please note that it may take up to eight hours for this change to take effect. You may need to log off and back on to your computer for the changes to take effect.
If you need assistance, please contact your local Service Desk. For more information about GLAM, please review the FAQs, User Guide, or Training Videos.
Thank you,
Security and Access Management.