Table 4 shows seven steps of textile operation. In each step, there are some improvement options. The table shows that the synthetic sizes are biodegradable and can to be used under ‘substitution of
less toxic materials’. In the sizing operation, sizing agents can also be recovered under ‘recovery at the plant’ approach. But no option is used in the sample plants. In de-sizing, the enzymes can be replaced by mineral acids under the ‘substitution of less toxic materials’ approach. Here, the single stage de-sizing process can be used instead of conventional de-sizing under the ‘improving mainte-nance procedure’ approach. In the field study, respondents mentioned that their plants practiced the ‘substitution of less toxic materials’ approach, while the ‘improving maintenance procedure’ approach is not followed by any sample plant. In scouring (washing), environmentally harmful conventional soap can be replaced by synthetic detergent under ‘substitution of less toxic materials’, which has been found to be practiced. Here, the solvent aided scouring process can be followed, instead of the conventional one, under the ‘improved maintenance procedure’ approach, which is practiced by the sample plants.