to animal or man, affect the host beneficially by improving the properties of the indigenous microflora. This definition stresses the importance of live microorgan isms that improve the health status of either man or animal and that occur in the f mouth, GIT, or upper respiratory or urogenital tracts. Salminen et al. proposed that probiotics be defined as microbial cell preparations or components of microbial cells that have a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of the host. This definition emphasizes that probiotics can be either nonviable cells or parts of cells. as probiotics in these forms, as well as certain fermentation end products and enzymes, have been shown to have health benefits In 2001, a joint Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization(FAO/WHO) expert consultation on health and nutritional properties of powder milk with live lactic acid bacteria redefined probiotics as"livemicroorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts(as part of food), confer a health benefit onx the host," again highlighting the importance of viability in this most recent definition. This group recognized that probiotics should be capable of exerting health benefits on the host through growth and or activity in the body.