Dieters Are Feeling Great!
by Virginia Vegan
Kim Fit, the famous woman basketball player, introduced her "Fit Feels Great" diet book three months ago. Thousands of people are alreadylosing weight. "They feel wonderful! This diet is healthy and safe. You don't need to buy special foods. Anyone can use my diet!"
David Meals is a 42-year-old businessman.He's doing the "Fit Feels Great" diet. "Before, Ionly ate a piece of cake for breakfast. Now Iunderstand that breakfast is the mostimportant meal of the day. The body needsenergy after a long night without any food," heexplains. Mr. Meals now eats some bread and some fat-free cottage cheese for breakfast.
Rock singer Maxi is doing Kim Fit's diet, too,and she feels terrific. Now, she never eatsfried foods. She eats a lot of turkey andchicken; they have less fat than ham andsteak. Maxi also doesn't use much salt. "I look ten years younger, don't I?" the superstar says