1. Ambitious / Achievement oriented
I am very ambitious to achieve my life's goals. I never think of being just an employee. I set goals and devise approaches to reach those goals.
I am willing to sacrifice myself, for instance, my dedication to study the Bachelor Degree courses, for work achievement and life success. My ambition to be successful helps me succeed at my job application and become a determined employee
2. Articulate / Communicative
I can communicate with people very well to avoid any misunderstanding between those I am speaking with and me. For example, my work is mostly about communicating with other staff in the company.
I am responsible for organizing training and development programs. I have to be very communicative to make sure all staff are clear about the program and can make it in practical working condition. Having good communication skills is a basic requirement for Human Resource Officer.
I am sure I have very good communication skills, which is one of very significant tools to create good employee relations.
3. Able to be committed/Responsible
I am the one who make compromises for the mutual benefits of the organization and employees. For example, a number of employees disagree with the company's policy about salary deduction for being late to work. So, I proposed to change the policy into the evaluation system to control the work performance of each employee in a more efficient way. My compromise helps put the organization's policy into practice since
all the employees agree to follow the rules.
4. Compromising / Tolerant
I am the one who make compromises for the mutual benefits of the organization and employees. For example, a number of employees disagree with the company's policy about salary deduction for being late to work. So, I proposed to change the policy into the evaluation system to control the work performance of each employee in a more efficient way. My compromise helps put the organization's policy into practice since all the employees agree to follow the rules.
5. Able to delegate responsibilities to others
I take on too many responsibilities, but I also delegate to others. My preference is to delegate those responsibilities to those who are most qualified to complete them. This also frees up my time and allows me to see to those responsibilities that I cannot delegate out. In the past, some projects would go unfinished because of my desire to take everything on myself and not delegate to others. In addition, my low productivity made for low performance. By delegating responsibilities to others, I was able to capitalize on the skills of others and facilitate projects through to completion, thereby increasing both my performance and that of the organizations. Delegating responsibilities contributes to the success of
The projects by effectively using the skills of others, dividing the work responsibilities, increasing the likelihood of completion on time and teaching top-down management skills.