The world today is vastly different from what it was before urbanisation and industrialisation had taken its toll on the world. Since the turn of the new millennium the issue of the environment has suddenly evolved into a widespread issue which is greatly discussed throughout the world. No longer are humans living in a world where the environment is serene or stable but much rather becoming unrecognisable and diminishing before our eyes. The plants, trees and flowers are life forms which God has created for us to enjoy its beauty but it is now solely up to us and many other organisations to protect preserve and respect how fragile our environment really is.
One of the most evident problems associated to the environment is the issue of the logging of trees, mainly in undisturbed places such as the Amazon basin. Trees are considered the lungs of the Earth. They recycle all the polluting carbon in the air and return oxygen back into our atmosphere, creating a stable cycle of carbon in our atmosphere. However, the impeccable rates which trees are being cut down in our forests have grown to ever increasing and alarming rates. Trees that are made way for farming are burnt up releasing deadly amounts of carbon and thus leading to the problem of global warming. As its names suggest the world is slowly warming up and without any notice the environment which God has gave us will be slowly eradicated. The daily lives which humans carry on about every day are also a factor influencing on our environment and global warming. By driving cars that have a thirst for petrol we are releasing carbon dioxide and furthermore impacting on the world?s climate. In Australia environmental impact has always been evident. Land clearing especially in places such as Queensland has caused land to lay dry and lifeless where all forms of life is destroyed. By clearing land we are not only affecting our climate but are also destroying animal habitat and the usage of the land. Senseless actions by commuters in Australia, emitting tons and tons of lethal gases vulnerable to the atmosphere are starting to take its toll on our climate. We are seeing a harsher climate and at the same time less rain. If we want to preserve our world we must take a stance on this issue and take action for what is right, not carrying on the actions that will lead to a desolate, destroyed Earth.
Pope John Paul II once said, ?It is the task of human beings to care for, preserve and cultivate the treasures of creation.? The Pope is becoming aware of the environmental issues impacting on the world toady and is enforcing that we must do something before God?s creation is all but lost. He tells us that we must show respect for the environment and living our faith in relation with God?s creation. Everyone is affected and everyone is responsible. It is an issue that cannot be ignored and action must be taken to preserve something that is unique to humanity. Organisations are now being set up to help raise awareness of these issues that are present in our modern world. Catholic organisations such as CARITAS Australia are heavily involved in the frontiers of the environment. They help safeguard the environment by informing and educating communities in isolated areas the impacts of our actions on the environment and how we can help to protect it. Other organisations such Catholic Earthcare Australia promote understanding among people that God?s creation is something that is sacred yet endangered in our modern world and must be protected and sustained for present and future.
It is our duty however to help carry out actions that will help cease the threats that are present to our environment. By actively participating in previously mentioned organisations we can all put something back into the environment. Planting trees is one of many steps that we can all do. Sensibly turning off switches or not using cars are also other ways to actively protect our environment. Perhaps one of the most successful ways to help prevent environmental damage is to discuss to others the issues relating to our environment. This way people can become informed and aware that there is only one environment and it is our duty to protect it.