The acronym CRM perse does not explicitly convey what it is about. Sometimes it represents an information system, other times it represents a strategic business approach. Different authors interchangeably use CRM to address one thing or another, which may cause some confusion as to whether they are talking about an information system or a business strategy. The problem is that CRM strategies have emerged together with the information and communication technologies that allowed their practical implementation and feasibility. In terms of technological developments, underlying technologies are becoming less operationally complex and less expensive, and so their facilities and resources are being increasingly used by people, enterprises, and governments. The Internet, for example, is a key information technology that can also be viewed as a relationship technology. It is perhaps as a consequence of the ubiquity of such technologies that organizations have been focusing on relationship strategies. Turning to the business strategy aspects, companies are creating a sound and lasting competitive advantage by developing longterm learning relationships with their customers.