Table 4 Linear regression models of logarithm10 Pb in
blood concentrations as dependent variables of
logarithm10 Pb in soil concentrations, in the
neighborhoods of the elementary schools were children
lived at 0, 6, 12 and 60 months of follow-up in Torreon
Follow-up n* Coefficient (CI 95%) Beta P > | t |
0 196 0.095
(0.0494 - 0.1407)
0.283 0.000
6 196 0.074
(0.0279 - 0.1192)
0.222 0.002
12 196 0.130
(0.8336 - 0.1765)
0.367 0.000
60 196 - 0.009
(-0.6068 - 0.0433)
- 0.024 0.743