The answer as your questions;
1. That right, I've sent the Brass scrap of invoice IT-20140311M on scrap Lot#32 Q'ty = 22 Bags (Scrap Bag No. 1-22)
and remaining (Scrap Bag No. 23-34) I'll send on Lot# 39.
2. I've send Material stock as your requested per attached file.
3. The cause of product NG. from rust because the customer kept in the warehouse for a long time,
and after that, they found the some product out of spec and sent back again to check the quality.
After we checked and found that the little rusty (sometimes we can't be seen with the eye)
So, the percentage of scrap up than usual such as; the percentage of scrap I/V IT-20140604M Ø11.5x2500mm the normally is 40%
but after we checked and found NG. product out of spec and little rust and impact to percentage increased 55.88%.
In this case is not meaning the raw material or scrap it's rusty.