was assessed by asking ‘‘When did you want to be preg-
nant?’’ (coded as now, later, never), ‘‘How do you feel
about being pregnant now?’’ (coded as wanted pregnancy
now or sooner, do not know, wanted pregnancy later or
never) and ‘‘What did you think the best age would be for
you to have your first child?’’(coded as current age or
younger, 1–2 years older, or greater than 2 years older).
Pregnancy wantedness was assessed by asking respondents
to report their level of agreement with the following
statements: ‘‘For me, in my life, this is a good time to be
pregnant’’ and ‘‘I want this pregnancy at this time’’.
Emotional response was assessed by asking participants
‘‘How did you feel emotionally?’’ (angry, happy, scared,
confused, excited, worried, or sad), ‘‘How do you feel
about having a baby at this time?’’ (very glad, somewhat
glad, do not know, a little unhappy, or very unhappy), and
‘‘How do you feel about having a baby?’’ (scale from 1 to
10; 1 being unhappy and 10 being happiest ever). Preg-
nancy readiness was assessed by asking respondents to rate
their level of agreement with the following statement: ‘‘I
am ready to have a baby now’
was assessed by asking ‘‘When did you want to be preg-
nant?’’ (coded as now, later, never), ‘‘How do you feel
about being pregnant now?’’ (coded as wanted pregnancy
now or sooner, do not know, wanted pregnancy later or
never) and ‘‘What did you think the best age would be for
you to have your first child?’’(coded as current age or
younger, 1–2 years older, or greater than 2 years older).
Pregnancy wantedness was assessed by asking respondents
to report their level of agreement with the following
statements: ‘‘For me, in my life, this is a good time to be
pregnant’’ and ‘‘I want this pregnancy at this time’’.
Emotional response was assessed by asking participants
‘‘How did you feel emotionally?’’ (angry, happy, scared,
confused, excited, worried, or sad), ‘‘How do you feel
about having a baby at this time?’’ (very glad, somewhat
glad, do not know, a little unhappy, or very unhappy), and
‘‘How do you feel about having a baby?’’ (scale from 1 to
10; 1 being unhappy and 10 being happiest ever). Preg-
nancy readiness was assessed by asking respondents to rate
their level of agreement with the following statement: ‘‘I
am ready to have a baby now’
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