Chalcopyrite (Cp) originating from Moonta Mines, Australia was
obtained from GEO discoveries (The Willyama Group), NSW and
characterised using Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by scanning
electron microscopy (QEMSCAN) to confirm their composition and
purity. The analysis shows that Cp is of analytical grade and major impurity
present was bornite (17%). Analytical grade collector, sodium ethyl
xanthate (NaEX),was used to condition the mineral samples at oxidative
potential. High purity (99.99%) sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) was used
to buffer pH of the flotation pulp. A reducing reagent (dithionite,
Na2S2O4) was used to decrease the Eh of the slurry to required pulp
potential (−100 mV SHE). All potentials discussed herein are done so
with respect to the SHE, unless otherwise specified