We do a large export trade(that is, the firm does), and there are often sample bottles lying in the office. There was a bottle of tonic port, which had been there for some time, and the manager told the head clerk that he could have it if he liked. Later in the day the head clerk said that if a bottle of tonic port was any use to me, I might take it home. He said he had just opened it and tasted it, because he did not like to give anything away until he knew if it was all right. I thanked him. "Tastes," I said, "just like any ordinary port, I suppose? "Well," he said, "it's more a tonic port than an ordinary port. But that's only what you'd expect from the label on the bottle." "Quite so," I said quite so." I looked at the label, and saw that it said that the port[83] lab lleibl