“I prefer to stay in the countryside rather than the city.”
“The suspect will be able to prove his innocence by submitting his blood sample for a DNA test.”
“If you have a reason to believe that we are not providing good service, you may call our customer help line to complain.”
“For his most recent job, he worked as a tourism consultant.”
“Isaac Newton is regarded as the greatest scientist who ever lived.”
“The insurance company will reimburse my medical expense up to 80%, so I will get most of the money back.”
“My assistant is a reliable worker as he always gets the job done well.”
“We have relocated to a more spacious office on 5th street.”
“The restaurant is closed for minor renovations in the dining area and will be reopened next week.
“Dr.smith has an outstanding reputation as a leading researcher in the medical field.”
“New york residents are happy about the new railway project that will alleviate its traffic problems.”