Part 1: TTL NAND simple DC Characteristics
1.The logic values of ‘1’ and ‘0’ are represented by voltage levels in the hardware implementation. The voltage levels and other electr
ical characteristics are not standardized from one logic family to another. CPE
224 will use both TTL(Transistor-Transistor Logic) and CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) logic. The voltage ranges for the
two logic families are different.
2.In this experiment, you will first simulate and measure the electrical characteristics of
a TTL NAND gate using the circuit in Figure 1. Build this circuit using 2N2222transistors.
Set VCC= 5V. D1,D2, and D3 are 1N4001 diodes.
3.Build the test circuit in Figure 1(b) using the NAND gate in Figure 1(a)