Be prepared to take action, daily if necessary. The hotel business is dependent on the daily arrivals as well as envisioning the possibility of guests extending their stay. The hotel Spa should be no different. How many times can you state that one of your spa guests decided to stay an additional night or two just to experience more spa? Give them a reason to stay at the hotel and return to the spa. Make a change; break your typical rules for services. Offer them a Spa Manager one-time special to experience an 80 minute massage for the same price as a 50 minute massage. Suggest they come in after breakfast the next morning. Use your business card and initial this personal special on the back of your card with the time and date for this one time offer. This again gives all Spa Leads and Managers an opportunity to walk their hotel or resort property to meet the hotel guests. This method again is perfect for slow days. All Spa Managers should know by 9:00am each morning if they need to put Plan B into place to generate revenue for that day or the remaining week. Customer Service does not stop with a smile behind the counter. Get out there and meet the customers, they are paying your salary.