alliteration Translate Button
[uh-lit-uh-rey-shuh n]
the commencement of two or more stressed syllables of a word group either with the same consonant sound or sound group (consonantal alliteration) as in from stem to stern, or with a vowel sound that may differ from syllable to syllable (vocalic alliteration) as in each to all.
Compare consonance (def 4a).
the commencement of two or more words of a word group with the same letter, as in apt alliteration's artful aid.
Examples for alliteration Expand
The alliteration and meter wasn't entirely correct, but it made me laugh.
Think of a poet who employs a staff of experts in metaphor, meter, alliteration and lineation to commit an idea to paper.
The alliteration and rhyme may pique readers' interest, but the concept of a stapler trying to outwit an animal seems strained.