During storage of noni products, illumination significantly affected
antioxidant capacity, total phenolics, and ascorbic-acid content
of noni juice over the short term and those of noni powder
over the longer term. Protection of noni products from illumination
significantly decreased the degradation of antioxidant characteristics
for 2–4 weeks in noni juice and for at least 12 weeks in noni
powder. The degradation of antioxidant capacity, total phenolics,
and ascorbic acid in noni juice during storage was much greater
than that of noni powder. In addition to illumination, controlling
temperature at 4 C further stabilized antioxidant capacity and total
phenolics of noni powder during storage. The most effective
way to retain the quality of antioxidant characteristics of noni juice
and powder is a combination of controlling both light and