I. Introduction
Submitted by : Dr. Alain Khaiat
Date of submission: 24 September 2007
Dates of mission: 2-4 September, 2007
Places visited: Jakarta 3-4 September, 2007
II. Objectives and expected results
The objective of the meeting was to smooth out all pending issues in the interpretation of
the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive (ACD) between Member Countries. Indeed, the ACD will
come into force on January 1st, 2008 and it is important that interpretation be the same.
Additionally, each Member Country was asked to present the status on the transposition
of the ACD into their local regulations.
Expected results:
Help regulators make sure the interpretation of the ACD is in line with previously agreed
decisions or with the spirit of the ASEAN Harmonized Cosmetic Regulatory Scheme
III. Activities and Results
1. Summary of the activities performed and results:
Based on the EU visit performed during the 4th mission, the assessment reports of the
various countries readiness and the various guidelines developed (PIF Guidelines, Safety
Guidelines, etc); help the discussion on the different interpretation regarding the Claim
Guidelines or on the transposition of the ACD;
Based on the Industry trainings performed, make sure the concerns of the Industry are
taken into consideration and answered;
2. Importance of respective results:
Having achieved a unique interpretation for the labelling requirements as well as
the claims guidelines will be of tremendous help to the Industry to achieve free trade;
The grace period to put all products already on the market into conformity has
been re-established and again this will facilitate Industry;
The consistent interpretation of the ACD and its consistent transposition into
National Regulation will help make sure there are no other barriers to trade;
3. Key contacts:
ASEAN Secretariat:
Mrs Sylvia Laksmi, Assistant Technical Officer, sylvialaksmi@aseansec.org
IV. Recommendations and Discussions
1. Regulation transposition:
While all Member Countries are committed to transpose without changes the ACD, it is
important for the Industry Association to review the regulations and give their input timely;
During the meeting inputs were given to the countries who submitted their draft;
ASEAN-EU Programme for Regional Integration Support (APRIS) Phase II – ASIA/2005/17600 – SC 2006/127-648
Follow up:
Indonesia, Thailand and Brunei have to submit their drafts in English for all
Member Countries to comment;
2. ASEAN Cosmetic Directive:
The meeting discussed the recommendations made by the ACSB (ASEAN Scientific
Body) and decisions were made on all Annexes updates as well as on the Appendix I
(Illustrative list), Appendix II (Labelling Guidelines) and Appendix III (Claims Guidelines) ;
V. Conclusions and Future Planning
Continue the training in the remaining ASEAN Member Countries i.e. Brunei Darussalam,
Philippines, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia and Indonesia;
Activities to be organized in October:
a) Training of regulators and industry in Manila week of October 8th;
The mission report for this activity will be submitted separately and upon completion of the trip;