The popular food, dairy products like curds are consumed by many people in its various forms in
Bangladesh. Infact, these different types of curds are made without real respect for basic standards
of technology and hygiene. This situation will be improved if lactic ferments are well-identified and
their synergy taken into consideration. Not much information has been reported about the
Lactobacilli species responsible for curd production in Bangladesh. In this context, this study was
conducted to identify and characterize lactic acid bacteria in curds to provide scientific data needed
for improvement of the fermented product. Twenty samples were collected from the producers of
curds in the supermarket of Shaheb Bazar, Rajshahi. The culture media used were Czapek Dox
(pH 5.3), M17, MRS and nutrient broth and agar for the investigation of lactic acid bacteria. The
identified lactic acid bacteria were Lactobacilli including Lactobacillus casei (sample 1),
Lactobacillus delbrueckii (sample 3), Lactobacillus plantarum (sample 4) and Lactobacillus
helveticus (sample 6) based on morphological characteristics, catalase activities, milk coagulation,
growth at different temperature, growth in medium with different NaCl concentrations, growth at