Positive effects in my country regarding ASEAN community integration are
-It is easy to work in another countries in ASEAN.Every people in ASEAN can move on every country that they want to work.
-ASEAN countries help each other to eradicate social problems.
-ASEAN countries cooperate with each other to help people have a good education.
-It helps people in ASEAN countries have a better life.Poor will decrease.
-It helps people around the world come and invest with us countries that is in ASEAN.
-People around the world are more confident with us countries in ASEAN.
-People in ASEAN country will help each other to solve problem about disaster.
-Price of every product will be cheaper because when they export the product they do not have to pay for VAT.
-It make a lot of business in each country in ASEAN more progress.
Negative effects in my country regarding ASEAN community intergration are
-We know that people in ASEAN countries are easy to move on every country so that mean it is hard to check every people that come to each countries. It makes disease spread more easy.
-People in ASEAN countries have to catch for their job because they have a lot of people that have the same job and come from many country.We should have a lot of talent or some experience with that jobs.
-Sometimes people that are a criminal will be easy to escape a police.They may be move on another country in ASEAN.