Thank you so much for your mail,First i want us to build the confident and trust from far. Sometimes I had this imagination of you being by my side and how wonderful it is going to be because you are occupying my heart now and i want us to open our heart and love each other unconditional. However, I am sure that God has great plan for us and because of that he will bring out the best in us and bind us together with his love. i cant stay minute without remembering and thinking about the wonderful work of God and i keep praying that God should make it easy for us to be together as soon as possible.
I know you may say I am not patient but please understand that I have yearned for a woman like you so long to come into my life. It is not that I can't be patient but it is just that I am so overjoyed having you in my life. And yearn to hear you say you love me and miss me, that will makes me fly without wings. Words cannot describe how happy I am that I have found you and how lucky I will be to have you as my woman. Baby, please lets work towards a fruitful relationship that will last forever. Please i want you to know that i am not perfect and this my first time to have a relationship like this. Please do guild me and if i say anything that you don't like, dont hesitate to let me know so that i can take precaution. We can learn from each other, guild each other in all aspects of life, by so doing we can open the vacuum of heart and allow each other to fill the space. I can feel from you writing and from all that you have shared with me that you
a lovely lady and i will be the most happiest man to have you as part of my life. take care and have a wonderful day.
Yours truly,