In the paper, "Computer Virus Awareness for UNIX" NCSA News Volume 3, Issue 3 May/June 1992, I stated that the reason there have not been more UNIX attacks is because virus programmers could not afford the hardware necessary to execute the UNIX system. This is no longer true. UNIX is widely available at Universities, offices and libraries. The cost of used UNIX workstations such as Sun Microsystems Sparc 2 systems are selling at the same price as new PC based systems. In addition, the advent of Free BSD, BSDI, Linux and the newer lower cost versions of SCO UNIX and SCO Unixware have made full function UNIX available on low-end PC systems. Due to the new popularity of the Internet, whose backbone and most of the servers are UNIX systems, it is no longer considered unusual to find UNIX systems in people's homes. The availability of UNIX, especially Linux, is now the same as or greater than any other system. Rarity will no longer provide any level of protection for UNIX.