ABSTRACT : Linear elastic buckling is commonly known as a governing mode of failure of slender structures under pure compression. Information on the lowest bifurcation load (or elastic buckling load) associated with the elastic buckling state is consequently critical in the design of such structures to withstand external excitations. To estimate the elastic buckling load, either a classical approach based upon solving a nonlinear eigenvalue problem resulting from the corresponding boundary value problem or numerical techniques such as a finite element method or Raleigh-Ritz approximation can be employed. While the first approach can yield an exact solution, it suffers mathematical difficulty when the geometry and boundary conditions of the structure become complex. The second approach estimates, in general, higher elastic buckling load and quality of the approximate solution depends primarily on the level of mesh refinement and choice of the basis functions employed. This paper proposes an efficient and accurate numerical procedure for determining the elastic buckling load of planar structures. The technique is based upon the principle of stationary total potential energy. A space of trial functions used in the solution search is constructed from a set of basis functions associated with a homogeneous solution of the governing differential equation of a beam-column member. These special basis functions possess two attractive features: (i) they contain an adaptive parameter in terms of the axial load of the member and (ii) they can represent an exact buckling shape of the structure provided that the adaptive parameter is equal to its elastic buckling load. These two features of the basis functions allow the iterative procedure be integrated into the approximation to improve the estimated solution; in particular, the space of trial functions at the current iteration can readily be adjusted from information obtained from the previous iteration. As the process converges, the space of trial functions contains a correct buckling shape and the estimated elastic buckling load becomes an exact solution. For any iteration, the lowest eigenvalue is calculated by the power method along with the use of Raleigh quotient. To demonstrate the accuracy and capability of the proposed technique, extensive numerical experiments are performed for a single column with various end conditions and various rigid frames; selected results are reported and discussed.
ABSTRACT : Linear elastic buckling is commonly known as a governing mode of failure of slender structures under pure compression. Information on the lowest bifurcation load (or elastic buckling load) associated with the elastic buckling state is consequently critical in the design of such structures to withstand external excitations. To estimate the elastic buckling load, either a classical approach based upon solving a nonlinear eigenvalue problem resulting from the corresponding boundary value problem or numerical techniques such as a finite element method or Raleigh-Ritz approximation can be employed. While the first approach can yield an exact solution, it suffers mathematical difficulty when the geometry and boundary conditions of the structure become complex. The second approach estimates, in general, higher elastic buckling load and quality of the approximate solution depends primarily on the level of mesh refinement and choice of the basis functions employed. This paper proposes an efficient and accurate numerical procedure for determining the elastic buckling load of planar structures. The technique is based upon the principle of stationary total potential energy. A space of trial functions used in the solution search is constructed from a set of basis functions associated with a homogeneous solution of the governing differential equation of a beam-column member. These special basis functions possess two attractive features: (i) they contain an adaptive parameter in terms of the axial load of the member and (ii) they can represent an exact buckling shape of the structure provided that the adaptive parameter is equal to its elastic buckling load. These two features of the basis functions allow the iterative procedure be integrated into the approximation to improve the estimated solution; in particular, the space of trial functions at the current iteration can readily be adjusted from information obtained from the previous iteration. As the process converges, the space of trial functions contains a correct buckling shape and the estimated elastic buckling load becomes an exact solution. For any iteration, the lowest eigenvalue is calculated by the power method along with the use of Raleigh quotient. To demonstrate the accuracy and capability of the proposed technique, extensive numerical experiments are performed for a single column with various end conditions and various rigid frames; selected results are reported and discussed.
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