Nosocomial Infections
Is this box. You will encounter a series of questions that epidemiologists ask them selves as they try to trace an outbreak to its source. Try to answer each question before going to the next one.
1.During one year, 5287 patients developed bacteremia during their hospital stay. All patients had fever(>38 C ) chills,and low Blood pressure : 14% had severe necrotizing fasciitis (see page 591) Blood cultures were grown on mannitol-sail agar,and the bacteria were identified as coagulate-positive, gram-positive cocci (Figure A).
2.Staphylococcus aureus was identitied by biochemical tasting, Antibiotic-sensitivity testing showed that all the isolates were methicillin-resistant. Six were vancomycin-intermediate resistant and one was
Threatenning necrotizing illness due to a luckocidin toxin (see page 438)
3.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to determine that strain USA100 cause 80% of the MRSA cases in this report. USA100 is the cause of 92% of community-acquired MRSA infections are the USA300 train. The incidence of MRSA in the community (not hospitalized ) is 0.02-0.04%
Based on the information in the information in the table, which procedure increases the likelihood of infection most?
4. Each year, an estimated 250,000 cases of bloodstream infections occur in hospitals in the United States from inserting needies into veins to deliver intravenous (IV) solutions, and the estimated mortality for each infection is 12-15%. People receiving hemodialysis are especially vulnerable to infections because they require access to veins for prolonged periods and under go frequent punctures of the acces site (Figure B). Moreover, periods colonized with MRSA can serve as a reservoir for transmission in health care settings factor for bacterial infections among dialysis Patienth is the frequent access to veins Risk is highest for catheterh and lower for grafts direcly to veins.
How does amtimicrobily therapy contrbcte?
5.Antimicrobil therapy for hemodialysisassocialed infections increascs the prevaloncence of antimicrobioi resistance.
Suscepbble bacteria are kiffod and bacteria with a mutmation confers resisteance. MRST sirains of beafth
care onigin. such as USA100. are
Typically resistant to several anbiboties