from each replicate were placed under pedigree basket and transferred to the hatcher for remaining 3 d. After emergence, the chicks were examined macroscopically and classified as first-grade (of good quality) or culls. The first-grade chick was characterized as being clean, dry, and free from deformities (no skin lesions, wellformed beak, normal conformation of legs), completely sealed navel without yolk sac or residual membrane protruding from the navel area (Tona et al., 2004). All unhatched eggs were broken open to determine the age of embryo at death (Hamburger and Hamilton, 1951) which presented as early (0 to 6 d), mid (7 to 17 d), or late (18 to 21 d plus pipped) embryonic mortality.
from each replicate were placed under pedigree basket and transferred to the hatcher for remaining 3 d. After emergence, the chicks were examined macroscopically and classified as first-grade (of good quality) or culls. The first-grade chick was characterized as being clean, dry, and free from deformities (no skin lesions, wellformed beak, normal conformation of legs), completely sealed navel without yolk sac or residual membrane protruding from the navel area (Tona et al., 2004). All unhatched eggs were broken open to determine the age of embryo at death (Hamburger and Hamilton, 1951) which presented as early (0 to 6 d), mid (7 to 17 d), or late (18 to 21 d plus pipped) embryonic mortality.
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