Basic 7S globulin (Bg7S), which accumulates in mature soybean (Glycine max) seeds, is an extracellular matrix protein. A large amount of Bg7S is synthesized de novo and is eluted from soybean seeds when immersed in 50–60°C water (hot water treatment, HWT). However, the Bg7S elution mechanism remains unclear. Under HWT, the seeds probably undergo heat stress and flooding stress. To obtain fundamental knowledge related to how Bg7S is eluted from hot-water-treated seeds, this study compared Bg7S elution among soybean cultivars having different flooding tolerance during pre-germination. The amounts of Bg7S eluted from seeds varied significantly among cultivars. Elution was suppressed by seed coats regarded as preventing the leakage of seed contents by rapid water imbibition. Furthermore, Bg7S expression levels differed among cultivars, although the difference did not result from any variation in Bg7S promoter sequences. However, the expression levels of Bg7S under HWT were not associated with the flooding tolerance level. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the Bg7S accumulated in the intercellular space of hot-water-treated seeds. Plasma membrane shrinkage was observed. The main proteins eluted from seeds under HWT were located in the extracellular space. This study clarified the mechanism of Bg7S elution from seeds under HWT.