4. Discussion
The modernization and intensification of the aquaculture industry leads to outbreak of fungal infection resulting in huge loss of aquaculture industries throughout the world (Karthikeyan and Gopalakrishnan, 2014). In the present study, the pathogenic fungi A. awamori was first time reported in shrimp of black gill infected L. vannamei from grow out ponds. The current investigation reveals that the fungi A. awamori KM434331 was isolated and identified based on the morphology, phylogenetic, scanning electron microscopy and histopathology analysis.
A. awamori was the most prevalent species, comprising 22% of all isolates from cultivable fungal diversity of shrimp (Silva et al., 2011). Aspergillus sp. is known to be the most powerful fungal species competent to produce aflatoxins, which are mycotoxins with carcinogenic potential (Lacaz et al., 2002). Aspergillomycosis is primarily a disease of tilapia Oreochromis sp. (Olufemi, 1983). These fungal species are presumably infectious through contamination of fish feed (Saleem et al., 2012).
Fusarium solani causing black gill disease in cage-cultured Panulirus ornatus in Vietnam and attempts have been made to recover 97 fungal strains from 97 ornate rock lobsters cultured in cages with black gill condition (Nha et al., 2009). However, F. moniliforme was isolated from gill lesions of kuruma prawn P. japonicus, with black gill disease (Rhoobunjongde et al., 1991) and two kinds of anamorphic fungus, P. oratosquillae and Acremonium sp. were reported independently or together in the infected gills of mantis shrimp (Duc and Hatai, 2009).
Although, Aspergillus sp. was found to be pathogen of numerous fishes and shrimps, no reports have been made from elsewhere about shrimp by the black gill disease and thus it appears to be the first report on A. awamori KM434331 isolates from shrimp black gill disease.
In the present study, histopathological investigation depicted that the fungus A. awamori KM434331 produced a carcinogenic toxin which leads to black spot lesions on the gill and poses damage to the respiratory function of shrimp by haemocytic encapsulation and melanization finally leads to mortality.
However, these pathological symptoms were almost similar to that of other reports for fungal diseases, the positive Lillie's Fe2+ ion uptake reaction causes black spot lesions (Bian and Egusa, 1981).
The SEM analysis evidenced the A. awamori KM434331 colonies with conidiophores, conidial heads, globose to sub-globose, conidia covering the whole surface of the conidiophore which were similar to that of pathogenic fungi A. awamori BTMFW032 (Beena et al., 2010 and the identity of phylogenetic results showed 100% sequence similarity with the previously available sequences of A. awamori (Basheer et al., 2011).
4. สนทนาทันสมัยและแรงของอุตสาหกรรมการเพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำนำไปสู่การระบาดของโรคติดเชื้อราที่เกิดขึ้นในการสูญเสียขนาดใหญ่อุตสาหกรรมการเพาะเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำทั่วโลก (Karthikeyan และ Gopalakrishnan, 2014) ในการศึกษาปัจจุบัน เชื้อรา pathogenic ที่ awamori อ.ครั้งแรกรายงานในกุ้งดำเหงือกติดเชื้อ L. vannamei จากเติบโตออกบ่อ ตรวจสอบปัจจุบันพบว่า เชื้อรา A. awamori KM434331 แยกต่างหาก และระบุตามสัณฐานวิทยา phylogenetic การสแกนอิเล็กตรอน microscopy และวิเคราะห์จุลพยาธิวิทยาอ. awamori ถูกสายพันธุ์แพร่หลายมากที่สุด ประกอบด้วย 22% ของทั้งหมดที่แยกได้จากหลากหลายเชื้อรา cultivable กุ้ง (Silva et al., 2011) Aspergillus sp.เป็นที่รู้จักเป็น ชนิดเชื้อรามีประสิทธิภาพที่สุดที่เชี่ยวชาญการผลิต aflatoxins ซึ่ง mycotoxins มีศักยภาพ carcinogenic (Lacaz et al., 2002) Aspergillomycosis เป็นโรคหลักของปลานิล Oreochromis sp. (Olufemi, 1983) สายพันธุ์เชื้อราเหล่านี้จะสันนิษฐานว่าติดเชื้อผ่านการปนเปื้อนของปลาที่เลี้ยง (สะลีมร้อยเอ็ด al., 2012)Fusarium solani causing black gill disease in cage-cultured Panulirus ornatus in Vietnam and attempts have been made to recover 97 fungal strains from 97 ornate rock lobsters cultured in cages with black gill condition (Nha et al., 2009). However, F. moniliforme was isolated from gill lesions of kuruma prawn P. japonicus, with black gill disease (Rhoobunjongde et al., 1991) and two kinds of anamorphic fungus, P. oratosquillae and Acremonium sp. were reported independently or together in the infected gills of mantis shrimp (Duc and Hatai, 2009).Although, Aspergillus sp. was found to be pathogen of numerous fishes and shrimps, no reports have been made from elsewhere about shrimp by the black gill disease and thus it appears to be the first report on A. awamori KM434331 isolates from shrimp black gill disease.In the present study, histopathological investigation depicted that the fungus A. awamori KM434331 produced a carcinogenic toxin which leads to black spot lesions on the gill and poses damage to the respiratory function of shrimp by haemocytic encapsulation and melanization finally leads to mortality. However, these pathological symptoms were almost similar to that of other reports for fungal diseases, the positive Lillie's Fe2+ ion uptake reaction causes black spot lesions (Bian and Egusa, 1981).The SEM analysis evidenced the A. awamori KM434331 colonies with conidiophores, conidial heads, globose to sub-globose, conidia covering the whole surface of the conidiophore which were similar to that of pathogenic fungi A. awamori BTMFW032 (Beena et al., 2010 and the identity of phylogenetic results showed 100% sequence similarity with the previously available sequences of A. awamori (Basheer et al., 2011).
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