When considering homes, about three-quarters of the households in urban India live in pucca homes. On the other hand, only a quarter of the people in rural India live in pucca homes. While groundwater is the main source of drinking water in rural India, the urban people rely more on tap-water.
Urban India is almost electrified when compared to rural India. One can even come across villages where electric power is not yet available.
When comparng the sanitary facilities, it is limited in rural india. About 90 per cent of the households in rural India do not have latrines, but this is not the case in urban India.
Most of the developments have not yet reached the rural parts of India. With regards to health care as well, rural India lacks good hospitals when compared to urban India. Some of the rural areas even lack a dispensery.
Read more: Difference Between Urban and Rural India | Difference Between | Urban vs Rural India http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-urban-and-rural-india/#ixzz3ypraQzaM