Task Analysis:
1. Select one object from the materials list and present it to the student, verbally stating the number "1" and showing the flash card with the numeral 1 instead of the object's name. Continue this process for several other items.
2. Using the prerequisite skill of pointing to an object (ADT 4), physically separate the flash card and object by about 1 foot and prompt the student to point to the number 1. Use physical guidance if necessary.
3. Using the prerequisite skill of "match numbers" (COG 24), show the student two flash cards, one being the numeral 1 and the other being a randomly chosen card. Present one item, as in Step 2, and prompt the student to point to the number 1.
4. Continue the concepts of Steps 2 and 3 for the remaining numerals.
5. Randomly present single-numeral flash cards without accompanying objects to the student, asking him or her to point to the number presented.
6. Incrementally add cards to the concept in Step 5 so that the student is selecting from a field of at least five choices that are randomly arranged. Continue until the objective is met.