First and foremost, I have no “job”. I don’t work for anyone, so no one owns me and my time. I’m not confined to a flourescently-lit cubicle on days I’d rather be outside enjoying the beauty of this world. I make money via a few successful internet businesses I’ve set up to provide me with streams of passive income. That means I don’t trade my time for money. I go to sleep and wake up with more money than I had the night before because these businesses don’t require any work beyond routine maintenance. I hold no inventory, I don’t handle customer service, I don’t deal with logistics. It’s hands-off beyond the initial time investment.
Note to readers: As I set up these businesses, I will write about them here on I expect to go live with my first one in the coming weeks.
Because I’m self-employed via the internet, I’m completely mobile and can live where I choose, when I choose. If I’m in Connecticut and it starts to get cold, I can go live in Costa Rica for a few months. Maybe I’ll tire of the constant sunshine and beautiful beaches (doubtful) and decide I want to spend a month skiing in Jackson Hole. I go there. All I need is an internet connection.