Breast cancer is not a disease of the modern world and its oldest recorded description was found in an Egyptian seven papyri written between 3000 and 1500 BC. Although the term ‘cancer’ did not exist at that time (the origin of the word being credited to Hippocrates, 460–370 BC), the ‘Edwin Smith’ papyrus described details of eight cases of tumors or ulcers of the breasts that are consistent with modern descriptions of breast cancer (Diamondopoulos 1996). Little is known about the epidemiology of breast cancer until 20th century although, interestingly, in 1713 an Italian doctor and a founder of occupational medicine, Bernardino Ramazzini, reported the virtual absence of cervical cancer and relatively high incidence of
breast cancer in nuns (Gallucci 1985). He (propheti- cally) speculated whether this was in some way related to their celibate life-style. Today, the epidemiology of breast cancer is closely monitored and in both industrialized and developing countries the incidence of breast cancer is steadily rising. It is the commonest form of cancer among women in the US and almost all of Europe and in the US the incidence of breast cancer amongst caucasians rose from 100 cases per 100 000 women in 1983 to over 130 in 2002 (National Cancer Institute, The corresponding figures for women in England were under 80 in 1983 to 120 in 2003 (National Statistics online
Apart from age (O50) and a family history of breast cancer, many of the known risk factors for
Breast cancer is not a disease of the modern world and its oldest recorded description was found in an Egyptian seven papyri written between 3000 and 1500 BC. Although the term ‘cancer’ did not exist at that time (the origin of the word being credited to Hippocrates, 460–370 BC), the ‘Edwin Smith’ papyrus described details of eight cases of tumors or ulcers of the breasts that are consistent with modern descriptions of breast cancer (Diamondopoulos 1996). Little is known about the epidemiology of breast cancer until 20th century although, interestingly, in 1713 an Italian doctor and a founder of occupational medicine, Bernardino Ramazzini, reported the virtual absence of cervical cancer and relatively high incidence ofbreast cancer in nuns (Gallucci 1985). He (propheti- cally) speculated whether this was in some way related to their celibate life-style. Today, the epidemiology of breast cancer is closely monitored and in both industrialized and developing countries the incidence of breast cancer is steadily rising. It is the commonest form of cancer among women in the US and almost all of Europe and in the US the incidence of breast cancer amongst caucasians rose from 100 cases per 100 000 women in 1983 to over 130 in 2002 (National Cancer Institute, The corresponding figures for women in England were under 80 in 1983 to 120 in 2003 (National Statistics onlineนอกจากอายุ (O50) และประวัติครอบครัวเป็นมะเร็งเต้านม รู้จักปัจจัยเสี่ยงสำหรับมากมาย
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Breast cancer is not a disease of the modern world and its oldest recorded description was found in an Egyptian seven papyri written between 3000 and 1500 BC. Although the term ‘cancer’ did not exist at that time (the origin of the word being credited to Hippocrates, 460–370 BC), the ‘Edwin Smith’ papyrus described details of eight cases of tumors or ulcers of the breasts that are consistent with modern descriptions of breast cancer (Diamondopoulos 1996). Little is known about the epidemiology of breast cancer until 20th century although, interestingly, in 1713 an Italian doctor and a founder of occupational medicine, Bernardino Ramazzini,รายงานขาดเสมือนของมะเร็งปากมดลูก และอุบัติการณ์ที่ค่อนข้างสูงของ
มะเร็งเต้านมในแม่ชี ( กัลลูชี่ 1985 ) เขา ( propheti - คอลลี่ ) สันนิษฐานว่า นี้เป็นในทางที่เกี่ยวข้องกับคู่สมรสของพวกเขาสไตล์ วันนี้ , ระบาดวิทยาของโรคมะเร็งเต้านมคือ การตรวจสอบอย่างใกล้ชิดและทั้งในประเทศพัฒนาอุตสาหกรรมและอุบัติการณ์ของมะเร็งเต้านมอย่างต่อเนื่องเพิ่มขึ้นมันเป็นรูปแบบของโรคมะเร็งที่ commonest ของผู้หญิงในสหรัฐฯ และเกือบทั้งหมดของยุโรป และ อเมริกา ในอุบัติการณ์ของมะเร็งเต้านมในผู้หญิงผิวขาวเพิ่มขึ้นจาก 100 รายต่อ 100 , 000 ในปี 1983 มากกว่า 130 ในปี 2002 ( สถาบันมะเร็งแห่งชาติ www.cancer . gov / cancertopics / ประเภท / เต้านม ) The corresponding figures for women in England were under 80 in 1983 to 120 in 2003 (National Statistics online
Apart from age (O50) and a family history of breast cancer, many of the known risk factors for
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..