As far as operation and maintenance (O&M) costs are concerned,
the biggest share is attributed to waste collection and
transportation, which is equivalent to 90% of the total O&M costs or
63% of gross LCC. The remaining 10% of O&M costs can be attributed
to landfill management, especially to cover labour and fuel costs,
repair and maintenance costs of the machines, landfill cover and
leachate management system. In total THB1,103 was spent as O&M
costs per tonne of waste management within the existing LFG to
energy project in BMA. When including all the cost factors (capital
costs and O&M costs), the estimated gross LCC is THB1,585 per
tonne of waste management under the existing LFG to energy
project, see Fig. 7. About 30% of this gross LCC is related to capital
costs, and the remaining 70% to O&M costs.