S.W.E.D.420 Don't Drink and Drive. Smoke and Fly. Those who question me find no answers. Those who follow me find them all. For I am the light of freedom. Bask in my rays and feel the warmth of Love. For Love prevails over all hatred. The world as we know it is abundant with hate. Ignore the hatred and follow your heart. For the mind operates on chaos. The Heart operates on love. If you give in to your minds desires, your life will be full of chaos. If you follow your heart, your life will be full of love. *I am who I am at the Present *I am not who I was in the Past *I don't need to act upon my enemies. For an act of wrong doing towards myself, will initiate the cycle of Karma to keep all of reality in balance. Thus eventually resulting in a degradation of their own lives. In the end. Everyone get's what they deserve.