magine a kitchen appliance that automatically produces 12 heads of fresh lettuce and salad greens, every week, without soil, under artificial light... right next to your dishwasher. Thanks to the efforts of the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), a version of the NASA "salad machine" you see at right may one day make it into your kitchen.
AeroGarden Kitchen Garden ApplianceBut one needn't wait for NASA to perfect their salad machine, as their research has paved the way for backyard gardeners to find every product you may need to grow fresh salads, juicy vine-ripe tomatoes, crispy cucumbers, fabulous flowers, lush tropicals, tantalizing herbs, without soil in your backyard, or on your deck, patio, or balcony. You can even garden soil-free indoors in your kitchen, pantry, sunroom, garage, or virtually any other spare