It is basically a structure composed of a platform and two wheels placed transversely driven by two electric motors. The system itself is stabilized by sophisticated electronic circuitry which controls the motors, taking into account not only the movements of the driver, but also the state of the vehicle, allowing it to remain always in a vertical position. The driver standing on the platform controls the running speed simply by moving the steer knob forward or backward, while the inclination to the right or left, allows turns. The mechanism that allows the Segway not to fall down is at same time brilliant and intuitive: engines give power in case you lean forward and less if you lean backwards. Obviously the control board are powered by appropriate motion sensors (similar to those that allow smartphones to change the orientation of the display) to alert the on-board microprocessor constantly on the exact orientation of the vehicle. The real secret of the Segway is not so much in the electro-mechanical part, but in the code that takes into account the physics implemented with a significant mathematical complexity.
To obtain these relevant features the Segway has two electric motors of the brushless type, made with neodymium-iron-boron materials, able to develop a power output of 1.88 kW, thanks to a battery pack with lithium polymer battery technology.
The whole project takes account of the redundancy needed for ensuring safety in the event of failure, by doubling many components: emergency procedures allow in any case the stop and the descent from the same, safely. It ‘s definitely an innovative and highly technological vehicle that justifies the cost, and must be conducted with utmost care and attention, especially when riding in public areas.