What does the Taurus New Moon want? It occurs in opposition to Saturn and quite apparently intends to challenge this tough guy. The weapons are thinking and language (Mars in Gemini, Mercury in Gemini, soon the Moon in Gemini, and ultimately also the Sun in Gemini). This means knowledge against a know-it-all attitude, the normal person against the elite, and healthy common sense against an academic title. In case these terms mean nothing to you, this may involve friendships or neighborly circumstances that need some clarification. Or the continually recurring topic of a sense of self-worth, which always becomes apparent when someone stands in front of you who you would really like to admire (but prohibit yourself from doing so).
Partnership / Love:
Venus is in opposition to Pluto. These are moments in which you may feel uneasy due to a sense of powerlessness. But if you feel powerless, you are giving someone else power over you. If you think about it, you fly into a rage because you cannot permit something like this. The topic of the "tough person" can also easily be detected in love. It is too obvious.